Thursday, January 27, 2011

15 Weeks 5 Days Ultrasound

Full Side Profile

Side Profile Face

Bottom of little foot

Front Facing

IT'S A BOY!!!!!!  Clearly looking from the 12 week ultrasound to these ones the baby has more than tripled in size!  It's about 5 inches + long and over 4-5 oz in weight!  I can definitely tell it's been growing a lot with all the cramping I got throughout the week!  Mark wasn't able to come with me to this ultrasound so my mom got to experience seeing the baby move around in my belly!  She was crying the whole time, so adorable, such a proud grammy!  I had the ultrasound tech write down the gender on a piece of paper and seal it in an envelope so Mark and I could share the "moment" of finding out later on!  Work was torture because I just wanted to rush home and find out the gender!  The ultrasound tech said she was 100% positive of the gender therefore I knew it was probably a good chance it was a boy in that case and it was!!  Mark and I will never forget that moment of opening up the envelope and changing our life forever!  We are beyond excited!  I will have a Mommy's little boy and Mark will have a little hockey player!!

Monday, January 24, 2011

15 Weeks

I definitely feel like my belly grows overnight sometimes!!  Where did that come from?!  Though i did just eat so it may look a tad bit bigger :-)  I'm starting to feel great for a change!  I have energy back and am looking forward to enjoying my second trimester!  I get another ultrasound this thursday, can't wait!!  Stay tuned!

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

14 Weeks!

I feel like every day i wake up my belly has gotten a little bigger!  I finally am feeling back to normal pretty much i've gotten some energy again which feels great after being so drained in the first trimester!  4 more weeks and we find out the gender of our baby, can't wait! 

Saturday, January 8, 2011

13 Weeks

Here I am going into my second trimester!  Mark wanted NFL playoffs in the picture with our baby of course :-)  I'm finally starting to feel better!!  I never thought i would see the day I wouldn't be feeling sick all day long but I think it's finally here and I hope it's here to stay!!  We go to find out the gender in 4 more weeks!!  Notice I finally have a little bump going on.  :-)

12 Week 4 day Ultrasound

Our baby is starting to look like a little human it's sooooo exciting!!  His/Her heartbeat read 169!!  :-)

Monday, January 3, 2011

12 Weeks

I was 12 weeks as of Christmas. Yay!  I'm going into my second trimester!!  A lot of people told me that I would start to feel better by 12 weeks but i'm not so much believing it right now.  I'm still feeling nausea when i go too long without eating and first thing in the morning.  I've started to get major headaches pretty much daily.  On the bright side of things I'm getting more and  more excited day by day!!  I've hit the point of becoming overly emotional and can't stop crying once I start.  Mark is reading up on a couple "Dad" books which is so adorable!  He has been so amazing taking care of me and being patient with me.  I can tell he's going to be the best Daddy in the world!  Today we go for our 12 week visit I will let everyone know how it goes!  :-)