Friday, December 24, 2010

10 Weeks

This week i've been starting to feel better and not as much nausea.  However, if I don't eat every 2-3 hours I feel sick so I have to keep this baby full!!  This week the tiredness has definitely hit me, I can't get enough sleep it seems.  Halfway through the day I lose my steam.  I'm not having any strong adversions but everything is just kind of bland to me.  I use so much hot sauce on most everything because it's the only strong taste I can get!  I do love my grapes and eat them most every day.  Don't quite have a belly too much yet, just still extremely bloated and busting out of some of my regular clothing.

1 comment:

  1. I am glad your feeling better. We need to start our Mondays again for baby shopping!!
    After things settle down we can plan on maybe twice a month for now until you get closer. I will want to be with you ALL the time the closer you get.
    I love you guys!!
