Sunday, July 3, 2011

38 Weeks- Friday 7/1/11

I'm now 38 weeks and I'm definitely at the point of uncomfortable.  I'm starting to swell a lot when I'm on my feet for too long and don't take it easy.  I stopped working last Sunday and now Mark and I are pretty much just "waiting" for the moment.  It's so surreal that it could really happen at any moment.  We are as ready as we can be at this point and trying to soak up every single moment together.  The only thing left is putting up some decor in the baby's room but that can get done at any point really.  Let's hope that my next post is a picture of our new bundle of joy and not of my belly! :-)

35 Weeks- 6/10/11

Mark and I had professional belly pictures done at 35 weeks.  We really wanted to capture the moment so our son could someday see what life was like while he was inside my belly!  I was still pretty comfortable at this point and not swelling yet so it was a good oppurtunity.  Mark and I had a great time with the photos and we loved the way they came out!