Monday, February 28, 2011

20 Weeks (2-25-11)

I can't even believe I am halfway there!!  This belly seems like it is starting to grow by the day lately!!  I am really enjoying my second trimester, it really is the "honeymoon" phase of pregnancy so I am going to try to soak up every minute.  I finally started to feel movement pretty often throughout the day it's so strange it's like little tickling from the inside, so amazing!  I don't have any CRAZY cravings at the moment, I have been frequently eating salads with Ken's Italian dressing on it (I could drink that stuff), and i'm still not loving cooked green veges :-(  Other than that I just really like salty things rather than sweet (except for icecream of course).  Mark and I have been going through names and it's soo hard but I think we may have come up with a few options, i'll keep you all posted!  Our next ultrasound is in a week and a half, can't wait to see more pictures of our baby!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

18 Week 4 Day Ultrasound

right foot

side profile

it's a boy!

front facing
The baby was very active during the ultrasound, he was dancing and doing headstands and everything!  However, when the ultrasound tech wanted to see a certain side of him he was being very stubbon haha must take after daddy :-)

18 Weeks!

I'm now almost halfway through, it's so hard to believe!!  I still haven't felt any movement however I know he's moving around A TON from the ultrasound we got yesterday!!  Mark as always is being an amazing husband and daddy-to-be.  He deals with my little mood swings when they may arise or my cravings at times, like driving me to dairy queen at the mall to get icecream after a huge valentine's dinner we had at Burton's Grill!  I'm officially wearing maternity clothes, so glad that leggings are in style these days it works out nicely!  We have been tossing around names however, we aren't going to officially name him until the day we go into the hospital so we aren't releasing any names we have in mind :-)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

16 Weeks (1-28-11)

Mommy's feeling good!  Finally getting an appetite back for once it feels good to start to feel normal and hungry ALL THE TIME!!  I may have felt movement the other day it was very short lived so i'm not sure.  I'm sure the movements will become more and more recognizable soon!